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Global Machinery and Equipment Appraisals 



International Appraisals, Inc. is proud to be affiliated with our global plant machinery and equipment valuer partners providing quality plant and machinery valuations in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia-Pacific region.

As a part of this affiliation, our clients benefit by having a cooperation of machinery and equipment valuers throughout the world. With this cooperation, International Appraisals can provide:

  • Local market coverage
  • Reporting in local currency
  • Team effort between network partners

Our network partners are capable registered plant and machinery valuers. For more information on the location of offices and CV's, contact our office:

866-932-3300 (Toll Free USA)
+1-317-638-2222 (International & USA)

New Zealand | Australia| Plant & Machinery Valuers       

Our New Zealand and Australia Valuers draw from extensive appraisal experience valuing various types of machinery and equipment within almost every major industry throughout Australasia, New Zealand, and the Asia Pacific region, compiling a comparable sales database that is one of the largest in the business. With all of the current financial uncertainty in the world, it is more vital than ever for financial institutions, corporations and other organizations to have a clear and accurate valuation of their machinery and equipment.  Our understanding of the plant & machinery assets comprising your Australia and New Zealand business and industry ensure an accurate and accountable valuation.

Common Asset Types 

Typical asset types and applications covered by our specialist Australia and New Zealand plant and machinery valuers include:

  • Abattoirs
  • Agriculture (feed lots, feed mills, grain handling, hay processing etc.)
  • Aviation (fixed wing, rotary etc.)
  • Can manufacturing
  • Cement & lime manufacturing
  • Chemical (processing plants, refineries etc.)
  • Dairy
  • Earthmoving & transport
  • Educational (colleges, schools, universities etc.)
  • Engineering (electrical, fabrication, mechanical, sheetmetal, structural etc.)
  • Food & beverage (breweries, food maufacturing, fruit juice processing, seafood processing etc.)
  • Forrestry (contracting, finishing plants, timber mills etc.)
  • General manufacturing (fertilizer, pharmaceutical, plastic etc.)
  • Health (dental surgeries, hospitals, pathology laboratories, retirement homes & villages etc.)
  • Hospitality & leisure (bars, cafes, hotels, night clubs, resorts, restaurants, taverns, theme & water parks etc.)
  • Local, state & federal government agencies
  • Marine (barges, dredges, tug boats, commercial & private vessels etc.)
  • Media (news papers, television stations. radio stations etc.)
  • Mineral processing (processing & treatment plants, refineries, smelters etc.)
  • Mining & resoucres (antimony, bauxite, coal, cobalt, copper, diamond, gold, iron ore, lead, manganese, mineral sands, nickel, silver, talc, zinc etc.)
  • Oil & gas (pipelines, processing plants, refineries etc.)
  • Power generation (diesel, gas, thermal coal, wind etc.)
  • Pulp & paper manufacturing
  • Railways (locomotives, rail networks, rolling stock etc.)
  • Refineries (alumina, chemical, nickel, oil etc.)
  • Sporting (bowling clubs, golf clubs, yacht clubs etc.)
  • Wineries (processing, bottling, vineyards etc.)

If you have questions, or would like more information, please leave your name and contact information.



International Appraisals, Inc.

Ronald J. Savill, ASA, MRICS
David L. Strange


Fax: 866-932-3331

Accredited machinery and equipment appraisals for the following States: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin.

USPAP compliant machinery and equipment appraisals in the following Cities: AlbuquerqueAmarillo, Austin, Atlanta, Birmingham, BoiseBoston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, El Paso, FresnoGrand Rapids, HonoluluHouston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Little Rock, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Louisville, MemphisMiami, Nashville, New York CityOakland, Oklahoma CityOrange County, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, ProvoReno, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa AnaSpokane, StocktonSt. Louis, Seattle, Tacoma, TallahasseeTampa, TucsonTulsa, Nassau Bahamas, Freeport Bahamas, San Juan, Puerto Rico

      Serving Clients with machinery and equipment appraisals for:
Medical Equipment Appraisals | Construction Equipment Appraisals|
 Restaurant Equipment Appraisals | Plastic Machinery Appraisals |
Hospital Equipment Appraisals | Woodworking Machinery Appraisals |
Metalworking Machinery Appraisals | Sheet Metal Fabricating Appraisal | CNC Machinery Appraisals | Office Equipment Appraisals |
NW Florida Equipment Appraisers

           | Desktop Machinery Appraisals | Desktop Equipment Appraisals |

International network of registered plant & machinery valuers with offices in Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia-Pacific region.


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